RAM Kya Hai Kitne Type Ke Hote Hai


RAM ka full form Random Access Memory hota hai. Yeh ek data storage hota hai jisse computer ke dwara randomly access kiya jata hai. Yeh ek hardware device hota hai jiska use computer me current program ko store karne ke liye kiya jata hai taki processor ke dwara usse jaldi se access kiya ja sake. RAM sirf computer me hi nahi balki laptop, server, tablet aur smartphone me bhi use kiya jata hai.

RAM Kya Hai Kitne Type Ke Hote Hai

RAM ek volatile memory hota hai jaise hi aap apne computer ko band karte hai to iska sara store kiya hua data delete ho jata hai.

RAM Ke Type(Types of RAM)

RAM basically do type ke hote hai.

DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)

SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)


DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory)

DRAM ek dynamic RAM hai jo hamesha refresh hota rehta hai. Computer me DRAM ko main memory ke rup me use hota hai.Yek sasta RAM hota hai. DRAM ko hamesh power ki jarurat hoti hai taki uska data loss na ho aur uska data maintain rah sake. Processor kabhi DRAM ke data ko refresh hote time access nahi kar pata hai isliye yeh ek slow RAM hota hai.

SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)

SRAM static RAM hota hai jo ki DRAM ki tarah continuous refresh nahi hota hai.  SRAM ek faster RAM hota hai lekin iski cost jyda hoti hai. CPU ko kabhi bhi SRAM se data processing karte samay time nahi lagta hai isliye ye jydat fast hota hai.Yeh DRAM ke apeksha power bhi kam consume karta hai.

एसआरएएम और डीआरएएम के बीच अंतर(Difference Between SRAM and DRAM)

Size Small Large
Speed Faster Slower
Cost Expensive Cheap
Used in Cache memory Main memory
Density Less dense Highly dense
Power Consumption Low High
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Verman Babu
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